Top Entertainment Options for Your Next Corporate Event

By nature, many corporate events run the risk of becoming humdrum. Yet, it’s entirely possible to spice them up with the right entertainment. If you’ve been tasked with selecting entertainment for your company’s event, you’ll need to consider your audience and budget. Finding the best fit means selecting engaging entertainment at the right price. Get inspired with some of the most popular ideas below.

Offer Customizable ‘Swag Bags’

Most ‘swag bags’ at corporate events feature standard items that people won’t bother taking home. Yet, offering higher quality items and allowing attendees to choose what they want could prevent this – while also serving as prime entertainment. Swag stations give attendees the chance to socialize and create their own custom bags. Your company could also hold giveaways or raffles for big-ticket swag items (such as televisions, computers, gift cards, and so forth). A giveaway almost guarantees participation and engagement.

Hire a Hypnotist

A hypnotist’s show is a popular corporate entertainment option. While providing plenty of fun, hypnotists actually offer much more than entertainment alone. Their services can also improve employee productivity, boost company morale, and relieve workplace tension. On an individual level, hypnotists help fight anxiety and stress while also boosting self-confidence. As a result, hypnotists can improve the workforce environment, inspire collaboration, and strengthen individual performance. Plus, hypnotists’ shows are highly entertaining! For the best corporate entertainment Edmonton has to offer, hire a hypnotist like me, Colin Christopher.

Include Social Media Photo Booths

Social media or social photo booths are modern, convenient, and a great way to document and share your corporate event as it unfolds. In a social photo booth, attendees can take photos, record videos, and create GIFs and memes. These images can be immediately shared to their individual social media accounts or to your organization’s accounts. This experience can strengthen camaraderie among colleagues, as attendees can take photos together. Photo booths also give you fodder for promoting your event. Finally, they can also show employees that the company is aware of and involved in the social environment.

Planning your next corporate event? Contact me to discover how stage hypnosis can add a fun, interesting and highly valuable twist to your next event.

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