How Is Hypnotherapy Different from Hypnosis?

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy bear many similarities. For instance, both are used to address common conditions such as low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and certain addictions. Plus, both can only be administered by a trained, certified professional.

Yet, while they’re often viewed as the same practice, there are actually key differences between hypnosis and hypnotherapy. While hypnosis might seem like a cool party trick, it’s actually the foundation of hypnotherapy, a real tool that’s used with care and skill to address serious conditions and personal issues. Discover more about each practice and their differences below.


Hypnosis involves guiding a person into a trance-like state. This trance-like state is defined by hyper-focus and concentration, deep relaxation, and lowered inhibitions or increased suggestibility. Although a trance state is a common occurrence that happens regularly while “zoning out,” a hypnotic trance is slightly different. In hypnosis, the trance state is induced and used to address an issue by providing discovery, healing, or some form of relief. It can also be used to access buried memories, skills, or roots of certain issues. Additionally, hypnosis is often used as a tool for boosting confidence, enhancing productivity, building skills, and removing mental barriers that may hinder advancement.


Hypnotherapy is the practice of administering hypnosis in a therapeutic form. Generally, it’s performed by a psychotherapist or similar professional. In some situations, it can even be used to provide pain relief, such as during childbirth. Some hypnotherapists also offer the service to promote wellness and address unhealthy practices, such as smoking and overeating. Moreover, psychotherapists often use the therapy to treat anxiety, addiction, various forms of depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

What’s the Difference?

Hypnosis is the basis or foundation of hypnotherapy. So, while hypnosis is the tool, hypnotherapy is the act of putting it into practice. Plus, while hypnosis can be used for discovery or to address an issue or challenge, hypnotherapy is only used for therapeutic purposes. Hypnotherapy also involves a therapeutic plan with a hands-on approach from an expert, whereas hypnosis is more about suggestibility and guiding subjects to their own solutions. Oftentimes, the approach someone chooses depends on their needs, preferences and therapeutic levels. No matter your unique situation, you can find the best hypnosis or hypnotherapy Edmonton has to offer by contacting Colin Christopher.

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