Colin Christopher performs at Archbishop MacDonald High School

How a High School Drama Class Inspired Me To Become A Stage Hypnotist

One of my best friends Nadine, and me were in grade 10 drama.

Every time we started class – our teacher Mrs. Klein – used to hypnotize us with a Raveen recording for relaxation.

One day in October, Mrs. Klein was sick, and the whole class still wanted to get hypnotized – but the substitute teacher didn’t have the recording.

Nadine said, “Colin, you do it!”

And I said, “Me? I don’t know if I can?”

Nadine said, “Give it a shot!”

And people in the class all sort of said, “Yeah! Do it Colin! Yeah, yeah!”

So I gave in to peer pressure and said, “Ok”

And I copied Mrs. Klein’s Raveen recording as best I could, and hypnotized the whole class for relaxation.

I don’t recommend doing what I did. It’s hard to wake people up when you don’t hypnotize them right. I got lucky that day. After that, I took training and became a clinical hypnotherapist. Hypnosis is very safe when you know how to do it right!

Afterwards – Nadine said, “Colin… That was amazing!”

I said, “Maybe… I should be a hypnotist!”

She said, “YES. You should!”

On April 3, 2019 – I had the privilege of performing my stage hypnosis show at my high school.

I was about 50 feet from the spot where I first hypnotized people in that drama class. It was like coming home.

Nadine and Mrs. Klein are no longer with us. Neither of them ever saw my show.

As a thank you, I dedicated my second book Manipulate The Date to both of them.

Here’s the dedication:

This book is dedicated to Nadine Harvey and Christine Klein.

Nadine, you were the sister I never had. A common question countless dates have asked me to spark conversation is, “If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be and why?”

Nadine. I will always have dinner with you. You were taken too soon. I miss you little sister.

Mrs. Klein, I know you preferred your first name, but even now I have trouble calling you Chris. You’ll always be Mrs. Klein to me. You were one of the most inspiring teachers I’ve ever had. You were also taken too soon.

Your Raveen hypnosis records in drama class are where my fascination with hypnosis began. Thank you for playing them. I likely would not be a hypnotist today if you hadn’t been my teacher then.

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